US Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed confidence in the department’s continued dedication to “American diplomacy”
Washington, DC: In his remarks on Friday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed the January 20 government change and reaffirmed the department’s commitment to “American diplomacy.”
His return as a “private citizen” was also characterized by him as “the highest calling in a democracy.”

“Now, this is a time of transition,” Blinken remarked in his parting words to the staff. Additionally, we sometimes discuss passing the baton while discussing transitions. Most of you won’t be doing that, but that’s what I’ll be doing. The majority of you will continue to run on Monday. And knowing that’s precisely what you’ll do is what gives me the most confidence.”
“I go back to being a private citizen, which is the ultimate calling in a democracy. I will no longer be able to run this organization. However, I want you to know that I will always be its champion and your champion. “You, the stewards of American diplomacy’s strength and promise,” he said.
In his lecture, Blinken also emphasized the difficulties of the modern world, characterizing it as one of “multiplicity, complexity, and interconnectedness.”
“In summary, this is a time when there is a higher diversity, complexity, and interconnectivity of difficulties than ever before, moving at warp speed. In my 32 years of expertise, I have never seen anything quite like it. We live in a world of transition, one that is more contentious and flammable, Blinken said.
But even in that world of change, there are certain fundamental principles that I wanted to share with you today, he said. I firmly think that US leadership and participation are essential and powerful. At the same time, I think that our relationships and alliances are our competitive advantage globally, and that working and collaborating with others is essential. When we collaborate with others and identify a shared cause or goal, America is so much better off. And I have faith in our capacity to unite people around a shared cause and goal when we are at our strongest, which sets us apart from other nations.”