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Donald Trump campaigned in Pennsylvania on Friday and took aim at Kamala Harris’ radical past

New York: Donald Trump attacked her on Friday during his campaign in Pennsylvania, a crucial stop along the way to the White House, calling her “Comrade Kamaala” and characterizing his Democratic Party opponent as a devoted second-generation Marxist. His advantage in the polls looks to be eroding.

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While Kamala Harris has shifted to the center and, at least openly, abandoned her radical background, Trump recapped Harris’s previous remarks directed at the left of her party on massive TV screens at his rally in Johnstown.

Trump persisted in pressing Harris to stop fracking, which is the process of drilling for natural gas underground in shale formations, as it is a crucial problem for Pennsylvania. Harris had pledged to do so during her unsuccessful bid for the presidential nomination in 2019.

Harris said again in an interview on Thursday that “My values have not changed” while acknowledging that she had altered her mind and would not outlaw fracking.

Behind him, surrounded by a phalanx of laborers wearing hardhats over their work clothes, he proclaimed that his strategy for fossil resources, including gas, would be “Drill baby, drill” starting on Day One.

Her previous statements, which she has since retracted, about ending private health insurance, decriminalizing illegal border crossing, slashing police funding, and forcibly reclaiming guns from owners, rolled across the screen during his rally in an indoor arena in Johnstown. Trump used these statements as a useful scare tactic.

“She is a Marxist, her father is a Marxist,” Trump said, alluding to her estranged father Donald Harris, an emeritus professor of economics at Stanford University who was born in Jamaica.

A RealClear Politics compilation of Pennsylvania surveys reveals that Trump’s 3% advantage over Harris in July—the month of Biden’s withdrawal—has vanished, and the Democrat currently leads by only 0.8 percent.

Pennsylvania is one of the battleground states that may go either way and influence the outcome under the US system where the state-by-state distribution of the electoral college can supersede the national popular votes.

She leads by 4% according to national surveys conducted since last week by Reuters/Ipsos and Morning Consult, and by 1.8% according to the RealClear Politics aggregate.

A video showed her agreeing to alter official dietary recommendations to lower the use of red meat—which includes beef—was one of the films that were displayed.

At the rally, he chastised her for it, just as he had in other campaign events.

Given that he brought up her Indian origin a few days after asserting that Harris has always been Indian and has just lately revealed her African American heritage, it may be seen as a subtly disparaging jab at her history.

He thanked Tulsi Gabbard, the first Hindu elected to Congress, during the event for abandoning the Democratic Party to back him.

He said, “I feel very happy to get” her support.

Trump criticized Harris for her flip-flops, but he also demonstrated during the gathering that he deviates from the essential principles of traditional conservatism by restating his support for insurance or publicly financed in vitro fertilization.

The Republican leaders are attempting to navigate a legal conundrum after an Alabama bench of conservative justices decided that eggs fertilized via medical treatments are deemed “unborn children.”

“More children should be born in America,” said the father of five children from three marriages.

At his political theater-style events, Trump keeps his supporters entertained and enthralled by wildly switching themes and injecting comedy into the mix—often at the cost of his opponents.

Although he admitted that some people refer to this speech style as “rambling,” he described it as “weaving.”

“I’ll cover nine topics, and they all tie in a really cool way,” he said.

A guy leaped into the media cage as Trump angrily attacked the media, accusing it of being unfair.

The Republican candidate questioned, “Is there anywhere that’s more fun to be than a Trump rally?” as the invader was brought away to the applause of the audience after being subdued by police with a shock from a Taser device.

He made a joke that because Harris was reversing her earlier statements, she would want to join his Make America Great Again Movement and don its iconic red cap.

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In an effort to promote equality for transgender children, he dubbed Tim Walz, Harris’ running partner, “Tampon Tim” after the state of Minnesota, where he is governor.

He delved into contentious cultural matters, declaring that he would outlaw males dressing like women in sports, end kid sex change treatment, and uphold parental rights.

He continued, saying he would make it illegal to burn the flag and implement regulations against causing harm to national landmarks.

Regarding foreign policy, he discussed his meetings and rigorous negotiations with Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the head of the Taliban, North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un, and Presidents Xi Jinping of China and Vladimir Putin of Russia.

He said that Harris would be powerless against people like Xi and Putin.

He justified his visit to their graves at the military cemetery in Washington, D.C., when he and his entourage ran upon a Department of Defense official who said she was enforcing laws against politicizing the location, and he blamed her for the catastrophe surrounding the pullout from Afghanistan, which resulted in the deaths of thirteen US military people.

He said that he merely consented to family members’ requests for photos to be taken at the tomb.

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