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Citing history, owner Elon Musk has said that a catastrophe will come and one day there will be no life left on Earth

The owner of SpaceX, Elon Musk, has indicated historical examples to try to convey that one day there would be an environmental catastrophe that would lead to humans vacating the planet. More than once he has claimed that the only way out is to become a spacefaring civilization and a multiplanetary species.

Elon musk
Elon musk

In back-to-back posts on X, Musk once again overturned his previous position of opposition to the expansion of human existence beyond the confines of the planet and the establishment of human habitation in Makensaki. He said, “There’s going to be a large comet on Earth someday, a catastrophic event that will wipe out most, if not all, life on Earth, just like such an event happened several times in history.

“One day the Sun will grow up to a certain size and the oceans will evaporate, and every living thing will cease to exist forever,” Musk added, making it clear that “the option is simple: become a space-faring civilization or be doomed.” “After a presentation on the breakup of ‘stadium-sized’ asteroid 2024 ON, Musk expressed this view on X.”

A “spacefaring civilization,” as per NASA, is such civilization that has developed rich space economy which cannot be self-sufficient; thus, it is essential to have a human settlement in space on a permanent basis so that people can continue to make wealth and progress.

The Menace of Global Extinction and the Strategy of Musk’s Escape Plan

In 2017, the editor in chief of New Space published an article concerning the constitutional visions of economic adjustments by Musk. One addressed the issue of humanity’s future and expounded two possible scenarios in which humanity branches.


“Let’s consider an Earth-based scenario. The question that I postulate is: what happens, if you will, if one remains on Mother Earth forever? Then, there will, in the end, be an extinction event. Of course, it may not be imminent. Nevertheless, history teaches that it will happen and quite sooner than one thinks, “he shot back.

This alternative Musk believes is that possibly mankind will evolve to be a spacefaring species and also a multi-planet self-sustaining species.

In 2018, Musk repeated the need to “create a self-sustaining colony on Mars for the sake of the survival of every life on Earth in the event that it meets the same fate as the dinosaurs or should the third world war extinguish all of us.”

His aim is also to make human life survive on other planets. In a previous post also, Musk elaborated on a post, “Making life on other planets a reality.”

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