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China’s nuclear buildup is the main subject of a secret nuclear strategic plan approved by Biden

According to a story by Reuters that cited New York Times, the US President Joe Biden has signed off on a highly secretive nuclear strategic plan that reorients Washington’s deterrence posture toward China’s growing nuclear arsenal.

Biden. Jpeg

Nuclear Employment Guidance

New York Times alleges that this updated approach, which was christened “Nuclear Employment Guidance” marks a major redirection in the United States’ nuclear policy.

Seniour officials confirmed to Reuters that during the update of Nuclear Employment Guidance (NEG) every four years or so, this revision is distinctive due to its attention to China’s growing nuclear powers.

The White House however has not made any public statement regarding Biden accepting the proposal but it suggests there could be an unclassified notice to Congress before he leaves office. When asked about the article one White House spokesman responded with, “We do not go into classified information.”

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