In the Delhi Assembly elections, the North East witnessed the highest voter turnout of 66.25 percent
New Delhi: The Election Commission of India reports that 60.42 percent of voters cast ballots in Delhi’s high-stakes assembly elections on Wednesday. Voters from all 70 seats actively participated in the elections, which witnessed fierce rivalry.

According to the ECI figures, North East had the greatest voter turnout among the eleven districts (66.25 percent), while South East had the lowest (56.16 percent).
The turnout percentages for the following districts were as follows: Shahdara district (63.94 percent), Central district (59.09 percent), East district (62.37 percent), New Delhi district (57.13 percent), North district (59.55 percent), North West district (60.07 percent), South district (58.16 percent), South-West district (61.07 percent), and West district (60.76 percent).
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is expected to establish the next government in Delhi, with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) trailing behind, according to the majority of exit polls. The Congress is also expected to continue its poor performance in the assembly elections.
Predictions from exit polls differed depending on how close the BJP won. Two polls anticipate an AAP victory, while one predicts the BJP might take 51–60 of the 70 assembly seats. Following Wednesday’s vote, the exit polls were made public.
The P-MARQ exit poll predicts that the Congress will win 0–1 seats, the AAP 21–31 seats, and the BJP 39–49 seats.
According to Matrize’s exit poll, the BJP and AAP would face off in a tight race, with the BJP probably winning 35–40 seats and the AAP 32–37. Additionally, it forecasted one congressional seat.
According to the People’s Pulse exit poll, the AAP might win 10–19 seats while the BJP could win 51–60 seats. It was projected that Congress would not win any seats.
According to the People’s Insight exit poll, the AAP is predicted to win 25–29 seats and the BJP 40–44 seats. It said that the Congress may win 0–1 seats.
According to JVC’s exit poll, the BJP would win 39–45 seats, the AAP 22–31, and the Congress 0–2.
According to Chanakya Strategies, the BJP would win 39–44 seats, the AAP 25–28, and the Congress 2–3.
Survey According to most exit polls, the Congress would gain 0–2 seats, the AAP 18–25 seats, and the BJP 42–50 seats.
AAP might win 46–52 seats, BJP 18–23, and Congress 0–1 seats, according to WeePreside’s exit poll.
The AAP has won both of Delhi’s previous assembly elections.
It took home 62 of the 70 seats in the 2020 assembly elections, compared to the BJP’s eight. After 15 years in power, the Congress party did not win a seat in the most recent elections.
At 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, voting for the 2025 Delhi Assembly elections came to an end in all 11 of the nation’s districts.
AAP and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) exchanged accusations over a few anomalies, including bribery and phony votes.
The AAP claimed that Delhi Police was “hijacking the election” by allegedly coercing voters at the Sainik Vihar polling booth in Shakur Basti.
As voters waited in line to cast their ballots, BJP members also protested in the Seelampur Assembly seat, claiming instances of fraudulent voting.
When the ballots are counted on February 8, the outcomes of this three-way contest between the AAP, BJP, and Congress will be revealed.