Hyderabad police issues security alert to Telangana BJP MLA Raja Singh
Hyderabad: Citing “frequent threats” to his safety, Hyderabad Police have issued a security notice to Telangana BJP MLA Raja Singh. They urge him to utilize a bulletproof car and the government-assigned security guards.

According to an official statement, Singh often walks in public unprotected, which has the police worried about his disrespect for security protocols. On Wednesday, the Mangalhat Police Station Inspector issued the alarm.
This is to notify you that you have been getting threatening calls on a regular basis. It has also been noted that you often leave your home and place of business without security guards present, traveling about the public, which shows a lack of concern for your safety. In order to avoid any unfortunate situations, you are asked to safeguard yourself in this respect by driving a bulletproof car and making sure that the government’s designated (1+4) security officers are there,” the formal letter to the BJP MLA said.
“Please acknowledge receipt of this notice and cooperate with the police in maintaining law and order,” it said.
In response to the security instruction, Raja Singh questioned the advisory’s applicability, pointing out that his electorate, Goshamahal, is made up of slums, colonies, and tiny alleyways where the people would be inconvenienced by a bulletproof car.
He highlighted his ‘commitment’ to being approachable, which is why he likes to ride a bike.
“The police department officially informed me in a letter that I pose a security risk and should cease riding my bike inside my district.
For my safety, they have suggested that I employ a bulletproof automobile with guards. Goshamahal’s reality, however, is distinct. A bulletproof car would cause needless hiccups in the area’s many small highways and byways. “Remaining in touch with my people has always been my top priority,” Singh said.
He also drew attention to what he called the “hypocrisy of the system,” pointing out that the same police agency denied his application for a weapons license because of outstanding crimes against him, despite his expressing security concerns.
“Ironically, there are individuals with cases against them who have been granted gun licenses without objections,” he said.